Info & support

Contact us

Questions or comments regarding our services? You can contact us in several ways:

  • Our FAQ provides answers to most common questions
  • Use our support chat at the bottom right corner of the page
  • Call us at phone +45 38 38 10 10
  • Write us at e-mail [email protected]

We answer all questions within few minutes during normal work day - and as soon as possible if your message reaches us outside working hours.

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Who are we?

Move On Career A/S has more than 20 years experience in Employer Branding, recruitment and online job ads. We drive several job databases nationwide, publish and provide job engine for

More than half a million users meet us through our media, targeting both experienced, fresh graduates and students of higher educations. We communicate weekly with more than 100.000 candidates using web, e-mail, and social media - and provide targeted solutions to match you with your future employees.

visit our web page

Our career sites

Our career sites target students and gradutes in whole of Denmark and aim toward a wide range of candidates from higher educations.

Our global job database dedicated to jobseekers with higher education. aims mainly toward experienced graduates.

Career portal aimed at university and higher education graduates and last year students. covers the transition between university and work life.

Studerende Online Studerende Online

Leading career portal for students and graduates of higher educations in entire country.

We also maintain a national Employer Branding portal and provide job engine for and - Danish premier job base for volunteer job ads.

Our users

We cover a wide range of candidates, graduates and students throughout the country: from IT, engineering and medico educations to liberal arts, communications, business, economics and law.

Brugerfordeling pr. universitet

Our users are spread throughout whole of Denmark and majority of them are students and graduates from the major universities: University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, Technical University of Denmark and Copenhagen Business School in the greater Copenhagen area, Aarhus University and Aalborg University toward west and University of Southern Denmark in Odense, Kolding, Esbjerg and Sønderborg.

Conditions of use and data policy

Det med småt - vilkår for køb og brug af tjenester på sitet for virksomheder.

Terms and conditions

Privatlivspolitik, cookiepolitik og brug af data - hvordan behandler vi jeres informationer?

Privacy and cookie policy