With more than 175,000 highly educated profiles throughout Denmark, we offer a targeted exposure of your career opportunities to the sharpest brains. Access all job banks in our career network here by Move On Recruiter and find your new colleagues among students, graduates and experienced candidates.
Akademikernes Jobbank (Jobbank.dk) is the network's main portal, where all job postings are published, but where the focus is on experienced highly educated and Young Professionals. In addition to Jobbank.dk, postings of relevance to students are also published on StuderendeOnline.dk , which is targeted at students and Graduates. Likewise, job postings of relevance to Graduates and Young Professionals are extra-published without further charge on our niche portal Nyuddannet.dk. Similarly, we hold a number of additional niche portals in the network.
We cover a wide range of students, graduates and experienced candidates of higher education: From IT, engineering and medical educations to humaniora, liberal arts, communications, economy and law graduates.
Our candidates are located across entire Denmark mainly originating from major educational institutions:
University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Aarhus University, Aalborg University and University of Southern Denmark.
We can provide the talents - you determine the need and speed! We have recruitment packages of all kinds; from single job postings and loyalty point vouchers to robot scan service, Branding, Direct Mail campaigns and SoMe visibility. See most of the solutions on this page, and contact us for offers on more extensive campaigns.
With one of our recruitment packages, you get access to all our websites relevant to your listing at the same price. Thus, you are always ensured the most optimal exposure of your postings. Special conditions apply for temporary employment agencies as well as recruitment agencies. All prices are excl. VAT.
DKK 4,995
or 3 pts
Shown for up to 30 days
Activated same working day
Secretarial service - save time, send your Premium posting to us at [email protected]. No additional cost!
DKK 1,995
or 1 pts
Shown for up to 30 days
Activated same working day
Secretarial service - save time, send your Basic posting to us at [email protected]. No additional cost!
...but many benefits for only DKK 295
Shown for up to 14 days
Activated within 3 working days
Our student website StuderendeOnline.dk offers a recruitment guarantee for all your student postings. With recruitment guarantee your ad is reposted at no charge for an additional period following the first 30 days if your current posting did not result in a recruitment.
The recruitment guarantee is valid for all Basic/Premium postings on StuderendeOnline.dk using our self-service Recruiter system or sent to us by secretarial service to [email protected].
Use our self-service to create a posting Send your posting to us at [email protected]
With a loyalty point voucher you get a discount on job postings, Direct Mails and SoMe/banner campaigns. The more points you buy, the lower a price per point.
The loyalty point voucher gives 20-43% discount per posting, runs for up to 12 months and can be used to order products throughout our network. In addition, extra branding is included:
Contact us by email or phone +45 3838 1010 to order voucher points
- or simply create an account to order and use some of your voucher points right away.
DKK 2,995
per month *
* The price is at 12 months prepayment. Otherwise DKK 3,495 per month at 3 months prepayment. Robot scanning is established if your job pages allow it. Up to 300 entries annually, obtain an offer if larger scale.
DKK 1,995
per month *
* The price is at 12 months prepayment. Otherwise DKK 2,495 per month at 3 months prepayment. Robot scanning is established if your job pages allow it. Up to 300 entries annually, obtain an offer if larger scale.
DKK 295
per month (one-time payment) *
* The MINI subscription runs for 30 days from the creation date and does not automatically renew upon expiration. Self service postings will be activated same working day.
Included in
subscription or voucher points
We invite you to join our HR Panel, where a number of HR executives from both private and public institutions give job seekers advice on the job search process.
The articles from the HR panel are very popular among our users, and your answers are also displayed in connection with your postings and branding material! So when participating in the panel, you gain great visibility in our network, while you contribute with great value to the job seekers.
Included in
PRO/ADVANCED or voucher points
A Talent Profile is an interview article with one of your employees, perhaps supplemented with a video. The talent profiles give upcoming job seekers the opportunity to sniff out different job types as well as the working day at your company, and they are traditionally very popular with our users.
Hence, the branding value of the talent profiles is quite high. Your talent profiles will appear in several places in our network, also in connection with your postings.
Included in
subscription or voucher points
In your Employer Branding profile , you can brand yourself as a workplace and attract the attention of the talents. In addition to the description of your products and services, it is important that you also tell about what makes you a good place to work.
Your Employer Branding profile also allows you to link to your website and your channels on Social Media. The profile is displayed in many places in our network, also in connection with your postings and HR panel responses!
receive more info about HR panel, Talent profiles and Employer Branding profile
DKK 4,995
or 2 pts
per campaign
(included in Premium postings)
With a Direct Mail you get your job, event or career offer sent separately to a relevant group of up to 2,500 users. The email is segmented based on relevant categories and education. You thus achieve a very targeted exposure.
Direct Mails are sent to users across all our websites. In this way you hit the candidates directly in the inbox and connect also with the passive job seekers who do not necessarily actively look for jobs.
DKK 1,995
or 1 pts
per week
The Hero banner is the first to meet the users when they enter our websites. The banner can be used to promote everything from stand-alone jobs to larger campaigns relevant to the target audience.
The Hero banner guides users directly into eg your talent profile, branding profile, website, social media etc. We offer quantity discount for simultaneous booking of several weeks or by booking across our websites: Jobbank.dk, Nyuddannet.dk and StuderendeOnline.dk. The price is per week per website.
DKK 4,995
or 2 pts
per campaign
We promote your job, event or career offer as an advertising campaign on social media incl. Facebook, LinkedIn and/or Google Ads (depending on relevance).
We tailor the campaign to hit the right audience in the best possible way. Hereby you reach far beyond our immediate user network.
In addition to the advertising campaign, we also boost the posting in our own SoMe channels on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter depending on relevance.
Hereby you reach beyond our immediate user network incl. many users who are not actively seeking jobs but who are still interested.
DKK 1,995
or 1 pts
per campaign
We boost your job, event or career offer in our own SoMe channels on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
On Facebook we attach the posting to the top for a week. In addition, we promote the posting in an ad campaign targeting users of our Facebook page and their friends.
Hereby you reach beyond our immediate user network incl. many users who are not actively seeking jobs but who are still interested.
DKK 995
per campaign
(included in Basic/Premium postings)
We show your jobs, events or career offers on our own SoMe channels on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Hereby you reach many users who are not actively seeking jobs but who are still interested.
Nødvendige for at få vores sider til at fungere korrekt og husker dit samtykke. Nødvendige cookies kan som de eneste ikke slås fra.
Hjælper os med at bestemme, hvor mange jobsøgende, der benytter vores sider, og hvilke af vores funktioner og tjenester fungerer bedst.
Vi har lige nu ingen cookies af denne type.
Funktionelle trackers hjælper med at gøre en hjemmeside brugbar ved at aktivere grundlæggende funktioner, såsom side-navigation, adgang til sikre områder af hjemmesiden, dine valg og præferencer mv.
Blokerer du for disse trackere, vil store dele af hjemmesiden ikke længere fungere efter hensigten. Derfor kan de - som de eneste - ikke fravælges.
Navn | Udbyder | Varighed | Formål |
company_portal_session | Move On Career (os) | Session | Sessiontracker: Tillader log ind, oprette en brugerkonto og holder styr på brugernes præferencer under besøget. |
remember_web_[XXXX] | Move On Career (os) | Session | Sessiontracker: Husker dit login under besøget. |
XSRF-TOKEN | Move On Career (os) | Session | Tracker til XSRF-beskyttelse: Opbevarer data, der forhindrer en Cross-site Request Forgery ved brug af siden. Læs mere her |
trackerConsent | Move On Career (os) | 1 år | Denne tracker holder styr på din samtykke til cookies og trackere under din besøg på vores side - altså din besvarelse af denne formular. |
TawkConnectionTime | Tawk.to | Session | Tillader os at snakke med brugerne via vores indbyggede support-system på siderne (Tawk). Læs mere her |
tawk_uuid_[XXXXXX] | Tawk.to | 6 måneder | Tillader vores indbyggede support-system (Tawk) at holde styr på de samtaler, der indsendes via siden. Læs mere her |
twk_idm_key | Tawk.to | Session | Opretholder forbindelsen fra vores indbyggede support-system (Tawk) til den bruger, der benytter chatsystemet på siden. Læs mere her |
Trackers i denne kategori hjælper med at indsamle oplysninger om, hvordan du interagerer med vores hjemmeside, bl.a. hvor ofte du besøger siden, og hvilke sider du kigger på. Statistikken giver os et værdifuldt indblik i vores målgruppe og gør os i stand til at optimere vores design, brugervenlighed og koncentrere os om de funktioner, som brugerne benytter mest.
Blokerer du for disse trackere, vil dine besøg fortsat blive noteret, men dine statistikdata vil ikke sættes i forbindelse med hinanden. Det vil gøre dem lidt mindre nyttige.
Navn | Udbyder | Varighed | Formål |
_fbp | 3 måneder | Facebook pixel tracker, holder styr på de enkelte brugere og deres tidligere besøg på tværs af forskellige websider. Læs mere her |
Marketingtrackers indsamler oplysninger om dine interesser, herunder hvilke sider og annoncer du klikker på, hvilke produkter eller ydelser du viser interesse for, eller køber, på denne og andre hjemmesider. Det tillader annoncører at vise de mest relevante reklamer for dig og dine interesser. De fleste marketingtrackers stammer fra udbydere at reklamer og reklametjenester.
Blokerer du for disse trackere, vil du fortsat opleve reklamer, dog muligvis med lavere relevans. Indlejrede videoer og opslag fra sociale medier vil ikke nødvendigvis fungere.
Navn | Udbyder | Varighed | Formål |
_gcl_au | Google AdSense | 3 måneder | Google AdSense cookie opbevarer og holder styr på konverteringer foretaget via Google Ads reklamer. Læs mere her |